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Old 07-04-2019, 03:47 PM   #31
Franchise Player
Join Date: Sep 2011

So what is everyone's steps-per-day look like?

This prompted me to search average steps per day and was really surprised with some of the stats out there. Some places stating that Brits walk on average 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day.
Australian adults average 7400 steps a day, according to the 2011-12 Australian Health Survey. The survey revealed that fewer than one in five adults recorded 10,000 steps a day on average. Other studies show that the Japanese walk an average of 7168 steps a day, the Swiss 9650 and the unfeasibly healthy Amish, who defy all technology, are an exercise researcher's joy with 18,425. Americans average just under 5000 steps, outstriding the British, who average 3000 to 4000 steps a day. At Edinburgh University, exercise psychologists have estimated that the average Briton covers about 130 kilometres less a year on foot than a decade ago
Now I'm not the tallest guy so I need to compensate with many hobbit-sized steps, but I think I would surpass 3000 steps doing the absolute bare minimum of showering, changing, walking to my car, sitting at my office, getting up for a coffee, lunch, bathroom breaks, walking back to car, doing chores etc. For me, 3000 steps is less than a half hour of walking throughout the day.
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