Thread: I love Calgary
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Old 09-22-2015, 02:34 PM   #40
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Calgary

Coming from Winnipeg, I used to read about Chinooks in the Geography textbooks in elementary school. At the time, it was said that it was unknown when they would happen, and that it is a surprise to forecasters who couldn't tell when in the middle of winter the temp would get into the teens. I thought they were magic. Had to be. I came one year for the Grey Cup, and witnessed my first one during that time - there was snow on the ground, but it was all melting, and the sun was shining, and it was gloriously warm. It did not disappoint.

I moved here 17 years ago, and have gotten used to the other parts of Calgary's weather. It isn't stinking hot and muggy every summer with mosquitos. Spring isn't a season that only lasts 2 weeks, same with fall. Octobers and Novembers are actually nice in this city, something I never experienced as a kid. I never had a bare lawn in Christmas back east, here it's common. Growing up I hated cool weather, now I actually find I enjoy it. I don't have to know that in two weeks, it must be getting so cold that you are trudging through snow.

The Chinooks though, they always make me feel good. The fact that they can be predicted now takes away a little bit of the magic, but they are special, and something we need to remember.
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