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Old 03-23-2010, 09:46 AM   #52
Franchise Player
Join Date: Feb 2009

Originally Posted by Cactus Jack View Post
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself, continue patting yourself on the back for living somewhere. The fact remains that NYers are seen globally as some of the rudest if not, the rudest people on earth. Right up there with Parisians, there's not much you can do about it. Those cities have earned those reputations over a loooonger period of time than the mere "8 years" you lived there.
I've travelled all over the world and lived in 5 cities on 3 continents. I've lived in medium sized rust belt cities, incredibly wealthy British towns, and world class cities. NYers aren't the nicest people in the world, but the 'rudest in the world' labels undoubtedly come from people who get their nose out of joint when someone pushes by them while they stand in the middle of a sidewalk at rush hour or when a clerk gets annoyed at you for counting out your change when the line stretches around the store. I've run into plenty of rude people here, but I've run into just as many in Calgary.

Don't you find it funny that so many others have complete different experiences from yourself? Maybe it's an issue with the way you approach people or the expectations you have of people.
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