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Old 08-28-2019, 08:06 AM   #787
First Line Centre
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Originally Posted by Erick Estrada View Post
Why would that matter? If you followed the Colts you would know that Luck had lightly participated in only two days of camp. Brissett has been taking first reps all training camp so it's not like Luck was taking all the first reps in practice and up and quit leaving the Colts will an ill-prepared backup. Brissett is as ready to go as he would have been if Luck retired prior to training camp. It's clear Luck didn't prepare to retire at the opening of training camp but got increasingly frustrated with his leg getting worse not better and it finally got to the point where he felt it was for the best to walk away rather than try and play through the pain. Take a look at his injury history and ask yourself if you would be hard on your own son if he quit football after sustaining these injuries;

-Torn cartilage in 2 ribs
-partially torn abdomen
-a lacerated kidney that left him peeing blood
-at least 1 concussion
-a torn labrum in his throwing shoulder
-calf/ankle issue

Yeah they get paid a lot of money but they are people just like you and I at the end of the day.
Andrew luck is a year older than me, so I can see his perspective. Yeah, as a smart person who has interests beyond football with tens of millions in the bank and that rap sheet of injuries in my late 20s I would think about retiring too. I already said I agree with the arguments about this guy getting to run his own life, they're 100% valid. But with the exception of the calf/ankle issue all those things had happened by the end of last season, and it sounds like he's been mulling this for a while. If you're so close to wanting to retire that all it would take is a mild-sounding calf/ankle issue to put you over the edge then retire before the draft, not two weeks before the season. There's a certain point where retiring really effs your team over and I don't care how many reps Brisset was taking in training camp, the team was expecting their Pro Bowl QB to play QB and push them to the superbowl. They could have had four months and a draft to prepare for a post-Luck world and now they have two weeks. That's where Luck opens himself up to criticism, justifiably so.
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