Thread: Misinformation
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Old 10-22-2021, 10:22 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by PeteMoss View Post
Assuming the screenshot Fuzz posted is from this same organization then they seem to be doing different things than you state.

The legal stuff you mention is fine. Distasteful in who they support but can be a needed element as you mention. But sending out misinformation has nothing to do with what you are talking about.
I will admit I didn't really pay attention to the brochure pic that Fuzz had originally posted. I focused on the stuff of the same topic they had on the JCCF website. I just did a cursory glance. I'm not doing a well researched news article or social essay on one.

I will say again though, the JCCF does based on my cursory glance employ a method that allows them to loudly repeat the messages of their clients, but also distance themselves and claim they are not direct representatives of the message via the intervenor rule.

I've poked around some of these types of things before. Many think that because there's drivel on these pamphlets that the mind behind creating them is one of a moron. That's not necessarily true. Most people will just throw them away, but I poked around some of them when I was in University and realized that some of them have been specially curated in a manner that gives them slight "legal Teflon". It's underhanded and skeezy AF when sometimes, the legal argument that is made is that "There's spelling errors on this pamphlet. No educated individual would take this seriously. Just consider it a lack of judgement from young students." (Or whoever they use to relay the message).

There's several things that can be done to pretend people accidentally interpreted things differently than what the groups were trying to say. I've dealt with people like this before and they are infuriating. Essentially they play a, "It's not misinformation. It's misunderstood by the masses." card that frustratingly actually holds up. We obviously know what the intention of the statement is, but it's also cleverly gutless of a method to avoid getting in trouble so that people cannot block them from distributing the materials.

Originally Posted by Fuzz View Post
So I was looking at these things again, and there are 3 flyers. 1 is from the JCCF, the other 2 are I had thought they were all the same. So that screenshot is from the latter. But the JCCF isn't much better.


I mean, come on. The lockdowns are not the reason for surgeries being canceled, they are the solution to it. It's just a packet of lies dressed up as facts.
Ugh... gross. I've seen this style on other pamphlets before. Assuming it's the same underhanded style, the distributor essentially argues we misread the information.

Their argument is basically this: That first run-on sentence is "off topic" and intended to frame a specific emotion. It is not directly related to the topic heading and the last sentence. Obviously we know it's heavily implied the sentences are associated, but if you try and call it out, these type of people often say that the first part just talks about death and struggles in general, and they are not specifically implying that the surgeries are directly being affected by the lockdowns.

I cannot confirm if they are doing this specifically on this pamphlet. But if the JCCF is full of lawyers, I cannot help but think this thing is embedded with methods to avoid getting in legal trouble, but it's also a trap that they want someone to try and get them in trouble for it so that they can put it on a pedestal and get an easy win and piss people off. They're not that dumb is my assumption.

I honestly would not be surprised if the fact that "it just so happens" that their brochure is distributed with an "arms length party that is disseminating actual misguided information, but JCCF's is just misunderstood, but not misinformation" is a tactic that is actively being deployed. The JCCF website doesn't mention a partnership with endcanadalockdowns, but that website diverts to strong and free website which lists JCCF as a partner. I didn't check the JCCF website to see if strong and free is a partner, but I seem to recall the wording of the JCCF website is very careful not to openly list partnerships.

Last edited by DoubleF; 10-22-2021 at 10:25 AM.
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