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Old 09-04-2019, 07:36 AM   #313
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Western Canada

Originally Posted by devo22 View Post
the referendum wasn't even legally binding. Strictly adhering to a non-binding referendum that was based on lies and misinformation and whose results would send Britain and its economy into turmoil is not exactly a win for democracy.
This is such a good point. The leave side had so much misinformation about what leaving would look like. Ironically, the deal with eu is basically exactly what most neutral observers predicted.

Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of optimism for a Britain outside the EU. What happens to financial services? What happens to all the international companies with European head offices in uk? What happens if all the European doctors are forced to leave? What happens with a trade deal with the USA that opens up health care? What happens if Scotland leaves. What happens to Ireland? What happens if wales leaves.

Does this eventually just become a separate and decimated England?

Access to 500 million wealthy consumers is very attractive for most economies.
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