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Old 09-30-2009, 08:52 AM   #22
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: London, England

I signed up the day before I posted this and I am now at level 7. I joined the British Navy (it's an off site forum thing but it makes the army more organized) and have been fighting in the war with Norway. By making lots of friends and talking on the forums, I rarely have to buy anything as people donate food, gifts, guns and even gold to me. Now I have to decide on which political party join. I cannot plan my run on congress yet as being in the Navy we are expected to live abroad fighting wars and working for specific companies in exchange for guns and gold.

To all those that signed up, don't forget to work and train each day. If you are having trouble affording food, message me and I will donate some to you as I have about 10 pieces.

Cheers again,

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