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Old 09-15-2020, 02:57 PM   #7
KTrain's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003

I watched it and, while it's all stuff I had basic knowledge of, it still frightened me to see it presented in one film.

This year I've been trying to actively push myself away from social media. I've removed most of the apps from my phone (Instagram is my only vice there) and I've blocked access to the sites at a router level during the day so I'm not distracted during work. It's definitely helped to stop the "doom scrolling" you do on Twitter and Facebook.

My wife, kids and I need to have watch it together now so we can make some decisions about their consumption of social media and how it might be affecting them.

That said, CP is another form of social media that you can tell a few people are addicted to and could use a break from.
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