Thread: Star Wars
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Old 05-10-2019, 02:09 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by 1qqaaz View Post
This was one of the most awesome parts of Rebels.
These Jedi duels were so interesting. The Ahsoka v. Vader was pretty cool as well.

I don't know why Disney seems to be taking Star Wars away from any of the Jedi stuff.
Star Wars Resistance, Rogue One, Solo, etc. are all pretty good compared to episode VIII. But I'm finding it hard to be interested in them since they don't have any jedi or force-related story lines.

I don't mind them getting away from the Jedi, it expands the galaxy beyond this war between a few thousand wizards and their enemy a couple of wizards.

I loved Rogue One because it took place after the Jedi purge, and you saw a Force user for less then a minute and he dominated everything. With Solo, same thing.

In a galaxy where there are probably trillions of beings from different species, its nice to see something beyond the Force.

Its funny because in the old republic games even when you play a non force using character, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Sith or a Jedi or a fallen Jedi, and if you went by Star Wars Lore, they'd pretty much kill you in seconds, so its nice to see a show or a movie where all things are kind of equal. And people aren't throwing planets at each other using the Force.

At the same time in Resistance, you know that there are force beings out there manipulating things and by all rights, if they ever appear it would really unbalance things.

I'd love a smuggler trilogy, or a bounty hunter trilogy of movies without the Jedi or the Sith being involved.

At the same time I still want the old republic trilogy where you have the Sith Empire and the Old Republic at war with the shadow of a super powered Emperor lurking in the shadows.
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