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Old 03-09-2009, 03:36 PM   #48
Playboy Mansion Poolboy
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Originally Posted by Knalus View Post
They have a mandatory tip-out - the waitress is forced to pay the back (cooks, busboy's) a portion of the tip. I can understand the principal - they are a large part of what makes a tip happen. What I hate is the fact that the tip-out is a mandatory percentage of the bill, not a percentage of the received tip. This is just wrong, and should be an illegal business practice in my book.
I thanked your post as it was well thought out, but a couple of points I'd like to add:

- Making tipping out illegal; who is to say that the server is allowed to keep the tip? A tip is essentially a customer saying "let me pay more." What you are saying is it is automatic that it belongs to the server. What BPs would be saying to their servers is this: the tip belongs to all of the staff. Having an X percent tip out ensures the people don't have to keep track of their total tips.

- What I like is with a place like that; if the server does a bad job she knows it's not a matter of her not making as much; she might lose more. If she knows by doing 1/2 a job she will get 12% tips on the night, but busting her butt she gets 17% (on average of course), she might not bother one night. But once she loses say 5% off the top, that takes her cut even further without the kitchen staff having to suffer.

I'm not saying it's the best policy, but I do understand the thinking behind it.
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