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Old 04-28-2024, 07:09 PM   #3
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Calgary, AB

We have family in Onterrible, so end up there every year or so. Last year the kids were old enough to do a few touristy things, so we hit up Toronto.
1) we decided to bite the bullet and stay at the Toronto Marriott City Center Hotel for one night with a field view and it was amazing. It all depends on schedule and who they are playing, but we stayed for about $1K, but it was so worth it. Our kids were 5 and 3, so it was amazing to be able to watch the game and have different activities set up for them as their excitement for baseball ebbed and flowed. Watching batting practice and how they set up the field was super cool too. We spent the next morning watching the field crew get everything ready and the roof open.
2) the aquarium is unreal! It is not a super long walk from Roger’s Center, so we went there before the baseball game. It was super busy, but does have a lot of space and activities, so it doesn’t seem quite as crazy.
3) there always seem to be cool things going on downtown and we actually were able to hit up a Disney experience while we were there too.
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