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Old 04-28-2020, 02:44 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Matata View Post
While I can accept the possibility of it being natural phenomena, but then we're talking about a phenomena that has the properties of fooling radar, fooling skilled visual experts and moves in a very unnatural way. It would be incredibly unlikely that some unknown natural phenomena possesses all those qualities and your left with a theory that isn't really any more or less credible than some of the other UFO theories.

I already gave my reasons why I don't think it's aliens, it's just that there is no really credible theory, so we're left guessing which one of the crazy theories is true. I think it's an interesting mental exercise, but I can't confidently say what I think is going on with UFOs.
My guess is that it is some kind of advanced technology being tested by the military and Fravor (and others) were used as guinea pigs to measure conventional technology and human responses to it if they don't know what they are encountering. To be a test group, they couldn't know the nature of the experiment.

Then someone leaked the video and the last thing the U.S. military probably wants anyone to know is that they have some new radical technology, so they are going with the secret UFO program narrative.

I also tend to be wary of eye witness reports. I suspect some things get exaggerated.
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