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Old 03-20-2019, 06:48 PM   #3326
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Join Date: Jul 2015

Originally Posted by Weitz View Post
Except context is extremely important and without reporting context how can you take them seriously? Goes for all media but they seem to specialize is this.

But really Psychnet “vouching” for them is about all you need to know.

The rebel is garbage. But just because it’s the worst garbage doesn’t mean other mediums aren’t garbage too.
The context isn’t in question, unless you mean to use a different word.

Press Progress has a reputation for accurate, factual reporting, that includes context, which is fully linked to accurate reporting.

They also have a left-bias. In this situation, the main concerns with that are the heavy focus on one side of the isle. So, if you only looked at Press Progress, you would come out thinking the left rarely does anything wrong and the right does plenty. This is not true, BUT, it’s important not to discount the fact that what they report is accurate.

Where you need to be concerned is when media outlets are reporting lies and misinformation, including spinning one thing to mean something else entirely. Press Progress does not do this (if you think otherwise, be my guest and show the stuff, but they get pretty consistent good grades for fact checking).

Otherwise, if you discount factual information because you don’t like what it has to say or don’t like that the outlet seems to unfairly focus on one side, then you’re just entering “fake news!” territory.
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