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Old 02-19-2014, 04:39 PM   #19
Has lived the dream!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Where I lay my head is home...

Bet that wasn't the reaction you were expecting eh?

I agree she's in the wrong, but I don't know how big of a deal it is. As I mentioned, I understand there is still a big stigma about this due to tradition and a lot of religious nonsense, (and frankly, a lot of unjustified ego) and that's the world we live in, so I'm always respectful in areas like this or situations like this. But ultimately we really need to look at the way we deal with our dead. A long time ago there was a real reason to bury our dead. No real safe way to get rid of them, aside from burning I guess. But not so much anymore. I'm not saying grind em up into Soylent Green but there are better ways. No reason dead people need real estate and the fact that everyone who can afford it gets their own private memorial (aka tombstone and plot) that is untouchable and sacred is pure ego.

Unless sex in a graveyard is disrespectful. But that's kinda like a circle of life thing right? Almost a way of worship and memory!
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