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Old 09-12-2017, 08:35 AM   #18
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Jul 2012

I think the problem is if it isn't a parody, it's a rip off. They have some jokes, but then they don't make fun of the stupid science that trek does. In fact, they embrace it. A time dilation field is some great breakthrough? They can travel faster than light, time travel should be no problem. You could also orbit a black hole if you wanted to go far in the future. I know not having FTL travel would make dull sci go, The Expanse not withstanding, but ignore the gaps, don't embrace them unless you are making fun. Also, tardigrades are tough, but still need things like water, air, and food to grow and thrive. Splicing some tardigrade DNA into a redwood tree wouldn't make it grow without sunlight, air, dirt, nutrients, etc. If you are going to have that stupid stuff in there, make fun of it, like Galaxy Quest.
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