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Old 04-05-2020, 01:26 PM   #49
Passe La Puck
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Jan 2013

Originally Posted by Pointman View Post
It actually does. Racism is a racial prejudice or discrimination. It is kinda hard to prejudice or discriminate black people when there are almost no black people at the first place. Average Russians basically don't give a damn about a race that lives across the globe, rather than actively hate them. Historically, russians and black people had almost no connections, we had no slavery, no black communities, there are no black homeless people on the streets, etc. There are no historical or economical reasons to hate black race. Russians are a tad xenophobic for sure and being half - jewish I have experienced some of that, but that xenophobia is targeted to other ethnic groups, who are actually present and involved on Russian lives. Being racist in Russia is kinda pointless, it's like if Canadians would hate Australian indigenous people.
I'm not sure if you're being intentionally contrarian or if you're just unbelievably naive to think that because Russians are almost all white that it means they aren't racist. There have been countless sporting examples of racial discrimination in Russia. Racism is a plague which afflicts the entire planet, no country is exempt.
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