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Old 05-20-2021, 01:09 PM   #406
Scroopy Noopers
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Location: Plutanamo Bay.

Originally Posted by Fuzz View Post
I just figure if they are there pretty much every day, the military would be extremely interested in having a picture of more than a fuzzy blob, and would have people at least on the ground, on boats, maybe even sent up in planes with good cameras to try to capture that. If it is Russians, or Chinese, or aliens, doesn't it make sense they'd put a lot of resources into understanding what they are dealing with? It feels like they barely care. "Oh, ya, we captured another fuzzy video of those things. Neat." Not really the MO of the military, is it?

I mostly feel like the public is being played pretty hard here, but I'm not sure what the end game is.
My understanding from listening to interviews is that requests to investigate further consistently fell on deaf ears. So they were never out looking for them, because they were never ordered to. Which is why the videos were leaked, so that higher ups would take it seriously. What doesn’t make sense to me, is why they wouldn’t. And if it’s their own tech, then the only thing that makes sense to me is your comment about testing their own military.
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