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Old 02-22-2024, 01:47 AM   #54
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

Originally Posted by Sliver View Post
Hot take #8239234 by curves lol.

Everyone thought he'd kill Navalny. Nobody thought Navalny was getting out of there alive. Putin was toying with/torturing him for a while.

It wasn't a hot take like you think, it was a quote/paraphrase from either the Navalny documentary or by Julia Ioffee from Puck Media who is now considered about as close to a Putin expert as it get's. I can't recall which one. It detailed why he does certain things and when he does them. Sending the message is above else key. Everything from jailing the richest, most powerful man in Russia, to predicting that a stupid, black President (his words, not mine) wouldn't bother to escalate things in 2014 with Crimea/ Syria and a host of other things. Played Trump like a fiddle in a lot of ways and is now enjoying watching Biden try and get ahead of this Ukraine war which clearly isn't going well for the west. Everything militarily, support, assistance and notion the west has done has turned up wrong.

The quote/paraphrase was about the shock and the disbelief that Navalny was poisoned in such an open manner when he was a visible, secured, safe and beloved freedom fighter/opposition leader with support. The message that attempt and this death sends is a lot more powerful then doing it quietly. Same thing with Prigozhin. A million opportunities to kill him but let's do the loudest one for max effect and blow up his private jet.

It's the phycology with Putin and he does things when you least expect him to do it but it serves a purpose, that he's in charge. Before this death was announced, what would the odds have been that he would have been killed at the START of the Munich Security Conference, with Navalny's wife there giving a speech, a massive US aid package to Ukraine being stalled in Congress? Most people would say probably very low possibility. To Putin it's "Well, just watch me" moments. Navalny could have been killed at any point since his return to Russia. Killing him now sends an effective message. Everything the US, NATO, EU and the allies have done to try and stop him hasn't worked.

What do you think happens next? Might as well sends troops over to Tallinn and see what's happening there. What do you think the American appetite for nuclear war is for Estonia? We are having enough issues when the leading candidate for President is pretty much saying NATO is useless and the slackers can be attacked and they can wipe their butts with the article 5 paperwork it was written on.
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