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Old 08-27-2015, 07:53 AM   #46
Close, but no banana.
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Join Date: May 2006

This makes me think, since we are looking at the same scenerio on two different sides of the country, it would have to be some huge thing that someone did on purpose to spread this virus. By the time something like this happens and the media picks it up, especially in a place like LA, it would take, what, a week maybe two before it was all over the place. That would spread to the other coast right away so they would be aware of it.

My tin foil hat theory. Someone from the CDC took the virus, went to a place like LAX and let it go. A major airport like that with people coming and going from all over the world would make it spread like wildfire throughout the world. This is why in TWD they were aware of it and already working on a cure.
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