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Old 05-17-2024, 07:47 PM   #3
First Line Centre
Join Date: May 2012

If "job 1" makes an offer to you and "job 2" still haven't "progressed to that stage", you don't owe it to job 2 to wait out their processes and see what they have to offer you. If job 1 make an offer, and give you some time to consider, you can reach out to job 2 and let them know you have an offer in hand from job 1 (although don't tell them who job 1 are), and if they don't get back to you by job 1's acceptance deadline, you're going to accept job 1's offer and job 2 shouldn't proceed any further with your application, thank them for their time, blah blah blah.

Or if job 1's offer is compelling enough that you don't care to even know what job 2's potential offer would be, just take it! Just tell job 2 you've accepted an offer from another company, thank them for their time, blah blah blah.

It's not up to you to wait until job 2 get their poop in a group to process your application. You snooze, you lose! You think they'd give a single, solitary #### if you missed an application deadline? No.
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