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Old 05-17-2024, 07:02 PM   #1
Maritime Q-Scout
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: God's Country (aka Cape Breton Island)
Default Job Hunt Question

I'll start by saying I like my job, I like where I work, I like the people I work with. I've been there for a few years now, and am doing really well.

However, there are two positions that I have recently applied for as they both would be great working environments with more money, and benefits.

I say that as if I don't get either. I may not get either position. I'm happy where I'm at, and if I get one, I'd move but not due to anything negative.

My query is this:

Of the two jobs I've applied for, one application process is proceeding at a far faster rate than the other.

Today one of the positions contacted me about references after I interviewed earlier in the week.

The second position emailed today to say I've moved on to the next stage.

I want to make an informed decision.

If offered the first position I may not know for another few weeks/months about the second position.

I may not get the second position.

Not to sound full of myself, but I truly believe I'd be a frontrunner (if not the frontrunner) in each position.

Assuming I do get the first position, how do I handle it to keep the second position open without burning bridges?

"Calgary Flames is the best team in all the land" - My Brainwashed Son

Last edited by Maritime Q-Scout; 05-17-2024 at 07:04 PM.
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