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Old 05-14-2024, 02:42 PM   #19
evil of fart
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Join Date: Sep 2009

Originally Posted by Muta View Post
I'd prefer the city to start focusing on installing drought-resistant, low maintenance landscaping where possible, as well as installing more tree canopy. There's some amazing alternative solutions to grass out there that can include - certain local plant varieties that look great and eventually require less water (perennials, Karl Foerster feather reed grass), plant density, mulch/gravel/stone, porous hardscaping, ornamentals, rain and water capture features, etc. Boulevards and medians would be perfect for native prairie grasses - they did this on Bow Trail a couple years ago and it looked great.

Only use mulch if you're lipstick-on-a-pigging your the POS house you're flipping.

That stuff looks great and smells awesome during the first year (so long as it isn't too windy as it starts blowing around). Then it gets sun bleached and looks like ass forever more. It's not some cheap hack to xeriscaping. It looks awful the very next year and just goes downhill from there.
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