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Old 05-03-2024, 02:06 PM   #2636
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Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus View Post
This is where you're wrong.

I want Iginla because:

- His progression this season
- Youngest top prospect in the draft (age is very important for me)
- 47 goals
- High IQ
- Very good skater
- His playoff performance shows he's a gamer

If I was using his Iginla name I would just say he's miles better than his dad at the same age, I'm willing to bet if healthy he'll be a top 3 goal scorer in the Dub next year at 18 against 19 and 20 year old's. .

As far as the rankings you follow I would guess not one of them is updated after his playoffs and most are probably mid season rankings, I've explained before that this time of year team scouts are very tight lipped about final rankings and that's mostly who feed the rankings to the media guys.

Here's a text I got 3 days ago from a scout when I asked what he thought on the Flames taking him.

If the Flames get him at 9 it'll be because 7 other teams were sleeping
Two of them have come out since his playoffs. In the first series against a weak opponent he had a great round 1. In the second round against a strong opponent he was a non factor. I don't see his value rising above 10 even after the U18 on most lists. Your scout is out to lunch if he thinks Iginla is the second best prospect in this draft and would be on an island there. Not one scout I have seen has Iginla over Demidov nor should they, he is on another level. I'm sorry , not buying what you are selling. If his name was Tij Smith you wouldn't be going off about him the way you are.
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