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Old 05-01-2024, 10:30 PM   #12174
damn onions
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Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by iggy_oi View Post
Left leaning? I think you can do a little better than that Coffee. But if you can’t, and if that was directed at me please point out specifically what views I have that you think are wrong and why.

I posted the link because I thought it was relevant news considering there’s a lot of people who claimed that it would never get built. I don’t disagree that the path here was far from ideal, does that make you left leaning too? (Whatever you define left leaning as)

Yup. Is your solution to allow government and private businesses to overrule the courts?

Yes it took almost twice as long as Kinder Morgan had predicted. Was their estimated timeline reasonable given the long-standing legal/land issues that would be a major factor in this project?

Hopefully one day you’ll be as passionately on board with advocating for addressing all of the other factors that are having a far greater impact on the standard of living in this country that you generally(based on your posting history) don’t appear to care much about unless you’re bringing it up to defend O&G or blame Trudeau for something.

If you ever do get there my only hope is that you’ll do a better job of advocating for addressing those issues than making arguments like a pipeline getting delayed is the reason why groceries and housing are becoming too expensive.

You do realize we will recoup the costs for this one through the sale, long term royalties and tax revenue generated by this pipeline right? I don’t think you can possibly make an economic argument for how that is the worse of the 2 outcomes.

I, and I think most people as well, would agree that the issues that created delays need to be addressed but we’re not going to do so by distracting people from what those issues actually are. It isn’t going to matter what the regulatory framework looks like so long as the areas where a project is going are ones that the courts won’t allow those regulations to be applied to by the government. How you have spent so many years complaining about this and haven’t figured that out yet is beyond me.

We agree on more than you probably think but man oh man do you ever seem to go out of your way to obfuscate a lot of issues.

Must be an up or down leaning people thing to do.
I don’t have time or energy to do the quote thing, but I’ll try to hit your points. Do I think you’re left leaning? Generally yes and I basically form that opinion from your never ending staunch defence of unions. Typically people who support or are super into unions are left leaning. If that is an unfair characterization than I apologize, as I understand a political stance can be nuanced like is mentioned in the other thread. As well, you say point out where you are wrong. I definitely do not mean to imply (generally, like, outside of this one particular issue) that left leaning people are “wrong” and in fact often they are right about several topics. It’s why I come to CP despite the echo chamber because my job day in and day out is an echo chamber on the other side.

I appreciate you posting the link and I was not directing my post to you necessarily however I have definitely had discussions about oil and gas with many people that tend to be left leaning (most of my closest friends are left leaning actually) and I very frequently hear whenever I rant about JT (as you point out I do it a lot but it’s only because there’s just… so… much… to bitch about) I always get the “well they bought the TMX pipeline! They can’t hate oil and gas that much!” Like BS, #### that. That’s like saying Danielle Smith still signed off on the health care budget so look at how supportive she is of that segment!

In some very special and specific circumstances such as vital infrastructure for energy security and the economy of the nation then yes I believe government and businesses should be allowed to overrule regulations or court rulings. I believe personally that’s how other countries are able to get #### done and sometimes it is what is required. I think that polling the audience of 40 million people will get you 40 million different opinions; 20 million of which will deny, well, just about ####ing everything. Canada has decided to just let small interest groups leverage courts to stop or stumble criticism infrastructure projects. The government of Canada a) does have the ability to create new laws (yes they may be court challenged possibly but there are many other pressure points the government can use in its authority and powers to get #### done. For example, funding. Carrots and sticks, etc. b) does have the ability to force through special projects that are deemed vital to the health and stability of the nation and IMO this project actually does fit that scope.

Recouping $30B? You should run some econs on pipe projects. I suppose it’s possible if we haven’t totally shut down growth in oil which we’re trying desperately to do that this could pay out in 50 years, sure. Or what fees do you think are reasonable to ship oil with? I’m being sarcastic but if the project was launched with a capital cost of 5,4B then 30B with a delay of project startup of 4.5 yrs could be pretty challenging to economics- just a hunch.

Glad we agree on this one and I do agree with you that we do agree on more than you or I prob think, I just don’t really reply to you if I agree with you on something. I can tell you I do respect your opinion.
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