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Old 05-01-2024, 09:45 PM   #12170
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Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia.

Originally Posted by rubecube View Post
Yeah, I have a plethora of nurse friends here and have never heard a single word about it. Not saying it isn't happening, but I feel like the frequency of incidents is being exaggerated.

The article I think also mentions St. Paul's which is a ridiculous inclusion considering that St. Paul's serves as a detox and treatment centre. People using substances in that type environment isn't really out of the norm.
These are all taking the situation at St. Paul's and applying it to every hospital in major metro centers.

What is happening in St Paul's is a problem. I go there on a regular basis for my heart arrhythmia (Once a month or so, sometimes twice). I've had to step over people who are just having a nice little meth nap in the middle of the hall. I have seen someone doing meth while sitting in the chairs right at the main entrance, with the poor woman handing out masks frantically trying to get security to come get them and then still having him be there and a different woman handing out masks when on my way out after my heart echo was done (half an hour roughly), though he had stopped smoking.

That hospital's age and function play a very large role in why it is having issues. It was never designed with what it is now required to do in mind (What hospital originally opened in the 1890s was?). There also just isn't enough staff to keep the addicts from getting themselves in trouble. Never mind the ones not in the hospital for treatment that just show up looking for their buddy who they know is here somewhere! Even when he's not...

It's unfortunately easy political points for idiots like Adam Zivo here, while not understanding the nuance of why it's happening nor offering solutions on what else that can be done to fix it other than "DRUGS ARE BAD!"

CPHL Ottawa Vancouver
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