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Old 04-29-2024, 10:24 AM   #501
Dances with Wolves
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Originally Posted by Galakanokis View Post
Apple is nixing production of their headset due to poor sales. Haven't out right killed it but they have cut production. Didn't even get released outside the US. Not a good sign moving forwards.
I got to try one out last week, and while it's nowhere near worth $5000 CDN to me, it did do some well enough that at $2000 I'd give it a look. It felt overly "iPhone pre App Store" to me. Very much like a dev kit.

I found it highly intuitive thanks to the eye tracking and hand gestures. Most surprising for me was the video quality. Most reviews I saw gushed about the pass-through quality, and while good, I can't say I'd want to spend more than a few hours in that.

Watching a movie though? It was probably the first time I could see myself watching an entire film in it. Being able to nope out of your surroundings and have a giant screen in front of you on a forest backdrop (or whatever) was super cool. The quality was better than my TV, which I didn't really expect. Usually I find the blurry edges way too distracting in a headset to watch a movie, but this was fantastic.

It might just need a generation or two to bring that price down. My buddy who was showing me his works in 3D design, and they are having actual meetings with Apple on how to improve it, so it certainly feels like a pre-consumer type device. Get it to $1500 and pair it with a proper App Store, and maybe they've got something.
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