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Old 04-27-2024, 07:26 PM   #32
Francis's Hairpiece
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Calgary, Alberta

I had a boss for years at Costco. Man, he stank like a Buffalo rotting in the desert after a week and a half. He was STANK. He knew he was stank, too, but there just wasn't much be could do about it. The worst was when he'd come in to cover someones shift without showering. It was retch inducing. He openly talked about the rancid BO, but he had the special deodorant, and it didn't work. Like, seriously. This guy was rotten. He even laughed that in the middle of summer he had been gaming on his couch, sweating like the rotten Buffalo he is, and he decided to go to bed at like 2:00 am. He crawled into bed and his wife sat up like Michael Myers coming back to life, and she started retching, and she started yelling at him to go have a shower.

I guess the moral of my story is that some people should just live in a bubble for the benefit of their coworkers.
Born to lose live to win
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