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Old 04-27-2024, 03:18 AM   #268
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

Originally Posted by Paulie Walnuts View Post
lol wtf this is a terrible take.

Doing household chores don’t make you fit. You can’t control how much it snows and when, or if the grass grows or not. You plant the flowers once.

You can try eating healthier meals, and going to a gym or even home workouts.

I will expand on this a little more. It's not that being busy around the house and more is going to get anybody jacked, but it does maintain some level of fitness and long term longevity for our health.

A LOT of us sit in some sort of chair 10/12/14 hours a day. A 1 hour workout is helpful without a doubt but it's not the be all.

Being busy and active helps a lot with everything. Moving, cooking, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house and general walking and doing things.

Sometimes a lot of people, myself included may overstate what a 1 hour workout may do for us if we are going to be fairly lazy the rest of the day.

Jaromir Jagr recently gave an example about how doing 1000 squats a day + a mountain of pushups was a cake walk when he was growing up. Going to the gym for an hour was easy, a lot of times you don't feel good, you take off early, cheat here and there. When he was growing up working in the fields on the farm, that was the real work. When you can't stop cause the work isn't over, that is the real workout.

I catch myself sometimes. No problem busting out a 90 minute cycle on the bike at the gym. Snowboarding for 6 hours. Walking 10 minutes to the grocery store instead of driving seems a lot more challenging for whatever reason.

A lot of people don't really cook anymore, don't shop much as everything is on Amazon or Skip. That walking, that movement, using your different muscles I think is overall important throughout the day.
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