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Old 04-25-2024, 09:06 PM   #19147
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2014

Originally Posted by MarchHare
Do any of our resident UCP shills want to go to bat and try to justify this absolutely undemocratic nonsense?

Disclaimers: I voted NDP in the last provincial election, and if Nenshi becomes leader of the NDP, I'll do it again, because even though I can't stand his "How dare you question me, peasant!" attitude I believe he can sort things out with Ottawa, which by then should be a Conservative government. But since I think the Freedom Convoy had a point, and that as long as Danielle Smith is premier we may as well endorse her performance art political theatre war with the Ottawa and hope that it eventually serves as an object lesson for future federal governments, I expect that for the purposes of posting in the CP forums, I will be taken as good a UCP shill as anyone! Moreover, I think what you really want is someone to reply in the style of a UCP shill. So, without further ado...

I'll bite. After all, if you're going to sit up and beg for a lesson, who am I not to stand up and see that y'all get learnt?

You, and the rest of Liberal/NDP/Leftie Groomer bunch think this legislation is undemocratic because you're wrong. You don't know what democracy is, how it is made, how it is preserved, and what it is used for. You have the classic hippy-dippy notion of democracy, that's not it. To put this in language that might be more familiar to your types, I'm going crib from General Hoyt's speech from the Shape of Water. You'll know it, lefties love that film; a woman who identifies as a fish, ####s a fish who identifies as a man. It's your biggest dream, after state-sponsored pediatric genital mutilation.
Democracy? A democracy lets people choose who is responsible for stopping them from ######ing up. That's real democratic. But the other kind of democracy? It doesn’t really matter. We sell it, but it’s an export. We sell it because we don’t use it.
Which is right. What democracy is, is a belief system powerful nations export to sh*t-hole countries with the goal of shaking things up just enough that the people "decide" to put a new dictator in power. Sometimes it's war, sometimes it's a covert op, sometimes it's sanctions, sometimes it's diplomacy, sometimes it trade, but every time, that's it.

Conservatives know this, others can't stand to face the reality. Conservatives also know that a population that believes in "democracy", is prone to the efforts of hostile foreign actors to export "democracy" to destabilize our government. This happened federally, that's why China chooses who runs in and wins Liberal nomination races, and operates covert police stations across North America.

So, this legislation which tightens voter identification and enables the UCP to remove municipal councillors is just democracy in action. It's the elected UCP government stopping your ######-ups, by making sure compromised councillors can be removed. That way, the only real democracy, your chance to choose who will stop you from ####ing up is preserved.

And to be clear, the UCP doesn't mind ######-ups, they just gotta be our ######-ups. And so it will protect your right to be, and status as a ######-up, all day, every day. So you can get mad, and not have to worry about it.

You're welcome.


Danielle Smith
Some things are a matter of reason, others a matter of debate. Then there are those that only the heart knows, in that indescribable way, are true.

Last edited by ThisIsAnOutrage; 04-25-2024 at 09:09 PM.
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