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Old 04-21-2024, 12:43 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by FlamesAddiction View Post
It's probably best not to hurt the guy's feelings if it is only for a few hours. I can't imagine someone's BO being that bad that you can't put up with it for a while.

I have a friend who used to have really bad breath. Like really bad and people would recoil when talking to him and would talk about it behind his back. I eventually just told him he had bad breath and it was a problem, because it was. It became a trait that people associated with him and it was affecting his image and interpersonal relationships with people. He was pretty offended when I told him, but it did force him to go to the dentist and deal with his rotting tooth. I am still friends with him and his breath is normal now, so it was for the best.
There was a janitor in my office who would legit clear a room out with his BO. It was insane; the type of BO they made you gag and have to clear your throat repeatedly because it was in your lungs. Tried to talk to him, no dice. Had to go to management and he was let to eventually after refusing to deal with it.
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