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Old 04-11-2024, 09:28 PM   #61
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Jun 2023

Originally Posted by Captain Otto View Post
So you don't think they are one of the worst offenders in the league for diving and otherwise faking injury or reacting in such a way as to draw penalties?

Come on now. The move where McDiver holds the defenders stick close to his body then acts like he's getting hooked is Oscar worthy. And he does it constantly.
Short answer is no.

Longer answer is there is no way for us to settle this definitively. Our own biases are going to cloud it. I do not think the Oilers are in any way at the worst end of this scale, neither are the Flames. Look to Canucks and Avs in my opinion. The only number we could possibly look to is number of power plays awarded and the oilers sit in 18th for that at 236. So if they are diving a lot the refs aren’t buying it or they are bad at it, but it’s hard to say they are being rewarded for it.

As for Mcdavid, yeah he does grab on that stick when he feels it getting dug into him. I’m super surprised it gets called to be honest. That said, and you won’t like this part, is if you iso in him he gets hooked, obstructed and grabbed a lot, more than most. Which makes sense, but I’d say the refs miss more than they get with him. But I imagine we will need to agree to disagree on that.
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