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Old 04-05-2024, 09:33 AM   #5967
One of the Nine
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Originally Posted by blankall View Post
The silver surfer doesn't age, so they could have him in both the current MCU and the retro FF movie.

That being said, the character swap here is likely to be pretty small potatoes. If the MCU doesn't hit all the beats that make the FF good, it's going to be an awful film no matter what. I see what they went with the retro vibe, at the FF are a bit camp. I hope they don't go all Wandavision with the retro though.
I do feel like FF is going to be a tough movie to pull off in todays tone.

I think they definitely put themselves on the back peddle already though with this casting. It does seem gimicky to me.

How much of the FF comic story line does the male version occupy and how much does the female..

Unless they are specifically targeting a FF story line with the female version, then that makes a lot more sense.
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