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Old 04-03-2024, 10:52 PM   #14038
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Originally Posted by dissentowner View Post
People are way buying into skewed polls influenced by Republican propaganda. Biden will win and it won't be close. What you have to worry about is when Trump calls foul and chaos begins.
I see it very much the opposite way. Trump barely lost in 2020 and it was because he was dogged by the pandemic; true he bungled the handling of it, but he probably cruises to re-election if the pandemic doesn't happen.

This time around, there's no pandemic, and Biden is dogged by inflation, the border, Gaza, and concerns about his age.

I think it's a big mistake to disregard what the polls are saying.

As for Trump claiming it was stolen and trying to stir up a civil war, that's not a scenario that will cost me a minute of sleep.

Trump getting back the powers of the presidency along with the most powerful military in the world and thousands of nukes... that's the scenario where all my worries reside...
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