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Old 04-03-2024, 07:39 AM   #8
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Best sporting memories of my life, no question. The city was electric for 60 days straight.

Some of my favourite memories were from round one when things were just beginning, and growing organically with each game. After Ws, we would drive the convertible down 17th, and people were high fiving the people going the other way, while honking and waving at everyone on the outdoor patios. It didn't take too long before pedestrians were walking down the middle of 17, high fiving the cars on both sides. By game 6 and 7, it was basically like driving in a parade. Then in round 2, they didn't allow cars anymore, and it was just pedestrians. It only took a few games before it became one giant mosh pit.
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