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Old 03-25-2024, 10:18 AM   #1
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Default 3-Body Problem (Netflix show)- Book spoilers may be discussed

Anyone else watching the 3-body problem adaptation on Netflix?

It is a very, very strange blend of ultra-detailed faith to source literature and massive departure from source material all in one. But, I am enjoying it so far.

The only big question I have is the pacing. I am through 5 episodes and they're already done 1/3 books. I don't see how they will go past 3 seasons with the pace they're ripping through the source material. They've done some really intriguing things with pulling the main characters closer together than they are in the books; it does make the character development much more interesting (a big critique of the books) but also contracts the world dramatically.

One of the most appealing elements of the books, IMO, is how seemingly normal, average people could rise to impact the fate of all humans. I feel like we are losing this in favor of "these characters are all tied to the source of power".

The boat scene will be talked about for a while I think. That was loyal to the source material and almost exactly as I had envisioned. Totally barbaric and gruesome.
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