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Old 03-06-2024, 09:20 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by photon View Post
Pretty compatible, though she really likes plantains for breakfast and even the smell grosses me out I often eat breakfast in my office if we're having breakfast about the same time.

Both her and my kid can't tolerate any level of spicy though, so I have to be very careful. Last batch of turkey chili I made was barely spicy but neither could eat it.

I also like super sweet stuff but she doesn't, she'll usually prefer a muffin over a donut.

But otherwise we can mostly eat what the other makes.

Well other than she's a pretty poor cook lol. She overcooks everything for one. To the point I think she buys some meats on purpose just because she knows I'm not going to let her cook it . So my inherent laziness is in a constant struggle with just eating the really bland soup or dish that's more boiled/steamed than roasted/fried and cooking myself.

I'm jealous.
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