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Old 03-02-2024, 11:00 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by saillias View Post
So if Canuck fans want to correct me on timeline or details but I believe the sequence of events went something like this

1. Pettersson says he doesn't want to talk contract during season.

2. Canucks ignore that request and repeatedly pester his agents to start contract talks, get no response.

3. Canucks leak to media that they're frustrated with him for not engaging. This stirs up local media. Meanwhile they have real trade talks with Carolina involving Necas and Kotkaneimi

4. Canucks approach Pettersson and say we potentially have a trade for you if you don't want to be here.

5. Pettersson finally caves and starts contract talks

6. Contract announced today.

If it's as it appears seems like very good if not ruthless work by Canuck management. Wouldn't mind if Flames had done similar with Tkachuk/Gaudreau back in the day.
The only correction is to 3, as Dhaliwal had been adamant that the Canucks did not leak the trade discussions and are pretty pissed that it got out.

Edit - actually you were suggesting they leaked the Canucks being frustrated about the lack of engagement from Pettersson's camp, which might be true.
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