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Old 02-24-2024, 07:06 PM   #68
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Join Date: Jun 2002


You get a twofer today.

While the league was struggling with the depression, the Ottawa Senators returned after a 1 year hiatus. Players that were on loan to other teams returned to the Senators and they managed to sign former Bruins star Cooney Weiland who lead the team in scoring. They also bought in rookie Gus Forland who became the first swedish born player to play in the NHL. Alex Connell returned and played well, but missed games to injury and lost his starters job to Bill Beverage.

Lester Patrick still stinging over his Ranger's loss in the Cup finals bought in Babe Siebert from Montreal and replaced goalie John Roach with Andy Atikenhead.

Despite his moves he left the core of the team intact with Bill and Bun Cook, Ching Johnson and Murray Murdoch leading the way.

The bread line of the Cooks sandwiching Boucher was still the NHL's best line, and lead a deadly offence.

In the playoffs the Rangers knocked off the the Canadians and Red Wings and advanced tot he finals expecting a rematch against however fortune favoured the Rangers this year. The Leafs played their final game against the Bruins and eliminated them in a 1-0 game that went 6 overtime periods. Then they had to board a late train at 3 am and had to play game 1 the next night.

The exhausted Leafs basically had nothing to give and got pounded 5-1 in game 1 by the rested Rangers and never recovered. the Rangers beat the Leafs 3-1 in game 2, lost game 3, and the Rangers beat the Leafs in overtime thanks to a fortunate line change by the Rangers that lead to a Bill Cook overtime winner. The Rangers had won their 2nd cup in 7 years.


  • The Senators returned to the NHL and their on loan players returned. The Sens started well but ended up last in the Canadian division.
  • The league mandates that if a goalie is penalized a team mate can sit in the box for him.
  • Due to the depression and dropping revenue, Frank Calder implements a $70,000 salary cap per team with $7500.00 for the highest paid player. (70,000 is worth 1.6 million today. $7000 is worth $167, 000.00)
  • Some of the players go on strike prior to the season, Frank Calder is given permission by ownership to suspend the player but Calder refuses and the striking players return to their team.
  • The Rangers sell goalie John Roach to Detroit for $11,000.00.
  • Boston Goalie Tiny Thompson wins the GA title with a 1.83 gaa.
  • The Bruins who finished last in the American division rebound to finish first.
  • Detroit coached by Jack Adams tie for the American division lead due to goal differential.
  • Toronto wins the Canadian division.
  • Bill Cook of the Rangers leads the league in goals with 28.
  • Frank Boucher retakes the Lady Byng trophy (his 5th).
  • Howie Morenz who has turned 30 has started to fade as he only scores 14 goals down from 24 goals the year before, beginning one of hockey's tragic stories.
  • Eddie Shore wins the Hart trophy, its the first win for a defenseman.
  • The NHL comes out with the rookie of the year award. Detroit's Carl Voss takes the award.
  • Detroit beats the Maroons 3-2 in a 2 game total goals series.
  • The Rangers edge the Canadians 8-5. The Rangers then beat Detroit to meet Toronto in the finals.
  • Toronto and Boston face off in a series of titans, the series goes 5 games with 4 of them going to overtime. Game 5 goes to 6 overtime periods before Toronto eliminates the Bruins to head to the finals.
  • Bill Cooks overtime goal wins the Stanley Cup for the Rangers as the Leafs never recovered from their series against the Bruins.
  • The United States wins the World Hockey Championships snapping Canada's string of 6 straight victories. Team Canada was represented by the Toronto National Sea Bees and coached by Harold Ballard. The American team was a mix of college players.
  • The NHL had its first forfeit game that occurred during a Black Hawks Bruins game on March 14th. Following a disputed overtime goal by Boston, Chicago Coach Tommy Gorman attacked and punched referee Bill Stewart. Bill Stewart responded by firmly explaining the rules to Gorman with a flurry of punches and then had the police arrest the Black Hawks coach. The Hawks refused to continue the game without their coach and Stewarts placed the puck at center ice and Boston's Cooley Weiland would skate in on the empty net without any Hawks on the ice and unleash a booming slapshot (kidding). the game was then forfeited to the Bruins. Ironically in a few years Bill Steward would coach the Hawks to the Stanley Cup.
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Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
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