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Old 02-15-2024, 05:35 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Point Blank View Post
I’m pretty indifferent to the union. Like most public awareness campaigns, I feel like it’s easier to pick understandable topics like class sizes as points to rally around. “Decrease class sizes” is easier to understand than “provide more support for increasing complexities in the classroom.” I like the security it provides for me and my family, but dislike how difficult it is to move a subpar teacher out. I also feel like the union gives a voice to counter some voices that vilify my profession, stuff like indoctrination, etc.

I used to work in a very complex school that was very unsafe to be in, kids in the hallways with weapons kind of unsafe. It was very difficult and when I get home from work and hearing narratives that vilify my profession makes it even harder. I could see why people in my profession can become very negative out of that.

My current school is the only one where I’ve enjoyed working with admin, and I totally agree, makes a huge difference. I think a lot of it was their views on students aligns well with mine and I feel supported when disciplinary action must be taken.

Thanks for your kind words!
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