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Old 02-08-2024, 11:17 AM   #3885
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

Originally Posted by Wormius View Post
2 hours to drive 45km does sound like it’s cutting it pretty close. I’d suggest biking or jogging.
Well I could go for a 20 KM drive to the Beach, then a 14 KM swim down the shoreline of Lake Ontario. Like I said, I am fully expecting to get to see an eclipse in Calgary in 20 years. But when I got invited to a meeting in Toronto that week, I arranged the flight schedule so that I can get out their just in time for the eclipse. And if I miss it, that would kinda suck, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings.

I'm travelling alone for work, so I should be able to get a single seat in the first 15 rows with just a light backpack, and will have a preferred member car rental. I assume if the plane lands on time at 1:20 I'll be in the car by ~1:40. Google is predicting 30-40 minute drive to a mall parking lot inside the path of totality. ~ 1 hour to spare for the various things that could go wrong.

I was just wondering if anyone would have any advice. would the 407 or 403 south from the airport be better at 2:00 in the afternoon?

If I don't get away, how good is a 99.4% eclipse at the Toronto Airport, vs a 100% eclipse in Oakville.?

Anywhere good in Oakville to Park for free for 30 mintues?
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