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Old 12-23-2023, 11:28 PM   #176
One of the Nine
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I thought it was a pretty good finale. I didn't mind that final 3 at all, I mean I didn't really feel Jake deserves to be called a goat. He tried and played really hard, he just wasn't able to line it all up. But he still did win out in fire so that counts for something.

If a few things lined up his way during the process his game looks a lot better. But he did not sell himself enough either, Drew had to chime in to help him out. As an attorney, he should have been able to do a better job of pleading his case. I get that a lot of questions were angled towards Austin and Dee, but respectfully chime in with your contributions as well. You're fighting for a million dollars.

I knew Dee would win if she made the top 3, there was no question. Austin didn't play a bad game, but Dee manipulated him a lot better than he did her. And even though he tried to fight at the end, Dee had the nail in the coffin with the Julie-Emily play, basically saying the only reason you're even at final 3 is because of me, and you had no idea.

And he literally just had nothing to say to that. He played a little to hard with the wrong part of his body at times.

Overall Dee deserved to win it. I would not say it was an overly strong season though from the contestant side. The blindside of the Nurse who should have suspected something at least, the other girl who didn't even realize people could be lying to her at like what, final 8? Tempora or Katora or whatever her name is basically waiting till final 5 to want to try and break up the 'power couple'.

The fact that they let a twosome get that far, or even a foursome, is atrocious. There were opportunities for people to dumby up and work together. But dislike of each other by the other contestants just worked so well for that foursome.

They are really pushing the auditions now to, they must be hurting for quality applicants... and it has shown over the past few seasons. They will definitely limp to 50 and do some big massive old player event that will spark things up a bit.
"In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might / Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"
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