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Old 12-03-2023, 01:22 AM   #1945
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Three days worth of ammunition in our stock pile. Our armed forces is become non mission capable. Its more a constabulary then a military now.

I mean I was in during the bad old days of the late 80's when you could push a screwdriver through the rusted armor on a APC, and you were issued two 30 round mags of blanks for a 5 day exercise and if you ran out, you had to yell bang loudly (You think I'm joking, but I'm not).

I talked a bunch of years ago here about the CAF reaching a point of rust out, where it would be impossible to save without a massive major re-investment.

Even with the F-35's they won't be mission available for another decade, so I doubt that we'll have a capable airforce to fly and support them with the way things are going with recruiting.

We're about 16000 personal behind on recruiting, and the numbers I saw show we're shrinking year to year. Lets face it nobody is going to sign up to a military that's not only not mission capable, but a government, and yeah the Cons F'd this up to, that doesn't give a #### if they're putting peoples lives in jeopardy if we need them. The new naval ships are at least a decade away and there are major problems with that program.

This is a patient that's on serious life support, and the money isn't ever going to be there to bring us back up to even a half way capable state. We have too many incompetent generals, a procurement program that's completely insane and a steady string of incompetent, dishonest and at times incredibly stupid Minister's of Defense.

Canada used to pride itself on peacekeeping, we're not capable and are not doing that. We are a bad NATO and NORAD partner.
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