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Old 11-08-2023, 03:45 PM   #7
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by WhiteTiger View Post
I've been finding myself steadily losing interest in Marvel movies since Endgame. I've seen Dr Strange 2 and GotG3, but I'm just...the thill is gone, it seems. They don't seem to be building to anything of interest to me.

I also dislike 'homework' for a movie. Apparently, to get the most out of The Marvels, you need to have seen Wandavision, Ms. Marvel and Secret Wars. I don't have Disney+ and haven't seen any of those.

It was bad enough that not watching Wandavision impacted my viewing of Dr Strange 2 (Wanda's bad now? WTF? Why?) but now I'm supposed to have watched 3 shows to 'best get' this movie? No, thanks.
I'm sure I'll catch it on TV or something someday.
Phase 2, 3, whatever this is...I've lost track... aside from Spider-Man is all pushing characters people don't know or care about and trying to force audiences to care about them. Its not going to work. They are unlikeable at worst and bland at best. Things like the Eternals and the Marvels, etc. The only time this play has worked was with the Guardians of the Galaxy because James Gunn managed to find actors and characters that grabbed the audience. This is not a guaranteed formula and was more of a fluke! Look at his work on Suicide Squad to see what happens when it doesn't.

Marvel's only hope is to jettison these B players, take a step back, and focus on X-Men. It wouldn't hurt them to jettison all the weight (homework) as well from the existing MCU. Comic books invented this themselves back in the day (Crisis on Infinite Earths).
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