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Old 10-05-2023, 06:35 PM   #826
Franchise Player
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Location: Calgary

I understand that the word likely came from above and was known early that Berrios may leave early.

Did the same analytics that told the team not to trust him to go two times through an average batting Twins lineup, sure with 4 straight lefties in it, also tell the Jays to sign him to a $15M/year deal two years ago?

The Jays never did anything close to that extreme with him or any other pitcher all season.

And, he pitched around Lewis, fine, and got the walk and the pulled (Lewis who didn’t do much else in game )..but you don’t trust Berrios for then to next be facing no name average hitters in Kepler and Kirlioff?

Other analytics seemed to be thrown out the window when it came to hitters. Next playoffs, because Espinal went 2 for 2 in these two games, will we see the Jays best slugger pulled so Santiago can bat with bases loaded so they can play the playoff averages?
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