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Old 10-04-2023, 06:44 PM   #10
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I'm at a loss for words on today's loss. Didn't see the second half of the game but seen some of the highlights and it's terrible in a playoff game to not show up offensively. Anyway, I have some very aggressive thoughts.
  1. Fire Schneider. Didn't make good decisions, appeared to be frazzled too often. Get rid of him right away.
  2. Get rid of the hitting coach. Vlad's support or not, he affected the entire team in their approach.
  3. Fire Mattingly as well. What has he done to deserve sticking around, beside his playing days name?
  4. Fire Atkins. Shapiro can stay based on his work is the business side of things. Atkins had the misguided route (and sold the fanbase) that getting a subpar bat with upside in Varsho was the way to go, in favour of defense. Varsho came as planned but his offense was terrible. More on that in a bit but the fact that he gave away two upside guys leaving the prospect base bare with no results - firing worthy. He's had his time to make it work and it's done. Before I was on the fence...not anymore.
  5. I suppose from a position scarcity standpoint they're forced to go with Chapman. Wasn't happy he disappeared the second half but what choice do we have since you need defence in the infield. So by default if he's not too expensive and not asking for a crazy long term keep him.
  6. Varsho. He's attractive because of his defense and loveable quietness, but you just cannot have an outfielder who can't hit. I can't stress that enough. I don't care what stats say, I'd rather have an average defender who can hit then someone who specializes in defence playing a position where most others can hit. He has to be a threat at the plate. My initial thought is to play him in a position where he doesn't need to put up big numbers (Catcher) but that's a bit extreme admittedly.
  7. Kiermaier exceeded expectations a bit, but I say let him go because he's the type of guy who will not live up to his next contract (or may experience injuries). So you find a replacement.
  8. I'm fine keeping Merrifield/Biggio at 2nd as a combo and see if Cavan is real, but 2nd base generally not much is expected offensively. Happy to see what can come of it
  9. Vlad. If he's not upset with the organization, no choice but to keep him around. I have nothing to add but to help him any way possible because the talent is there.
  10. Kirk/Jansen. Jansen is injury prone, period. He's never going to be the starter. We just have to come to terms with that. So as a backup, sure. Kirk, I'm willing to roll back but he has to lose weight. I don't know if they have a say in that but he was terrible this year. I don't see how they don't roll this combo back again as they don't have the prospects to upgrade here. A Kirk/Moreno combo would've looked perfect at this point but...Atkins.
  11. Pitching - exceeded expectations. They have to probably spend on a 3-4 guy given the Manoah situation. Also a long arm, but nothing too crazy given the success Walker had. I could see a guy like Giolito coming here, but want to see a vet who can calm everyone down. Would love Kershaw but no chance he leaves LA. Joe Kelly's attitude would be good to some degree as well. Lots of comeback pitchers on the market this year.
  12. Future signings? I'd try to get Bellinger in CF but doubt he comes here. I don't have any other option but him or Kiermaier. LF maybe Mark Canha? I'm not sure Canha moves the dial but perhaps you dangle Varsho out there again and see if someone believes in him more. Ideally I'd want a star Dominican player to come back to bring back some happiness around Vlad. Off the top of my head I don't know who that would be. Perhaps signing Lourdes as a bench guy would be good.
That's my initial thoughts for this year. Lots to do, little resources to do it. Unfortunately gotta go to papa Rogers and ask for a boatload of money to fix something that shouldn't have to be fixed with money but we have no choice since the prospect base is bare.
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