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Old 10-01-2023, 05:03 PM   #10
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Aug 2010

Originally Posted by expo2428 View Post
Can anyone explain the difference between regular season and post season rosters for me? The only information I can find is you get a 26 man roster I believe. What's the reasoning for wanting teams to have smaller rosters? Just curious how it all works.
There's only really a difference in September when the active rosters get bigger. In the past, that expansion was up to 40 players which allowed teams to play a lot of younger players or have more depth depending on their play-off contention status. However, the current rules now only allow an expansion to 28 players for September.

In the past and current rules, the active roster size for the play-offs always reverted back to the April-August limit (used to be 25, currently 26).
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