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Old 08-02-2023, 12:59 PM   #2124
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Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Richmond upon Thames, London

Originally Posted by Knut View Post
Von Neumann Probes

Could explore a large chunk of the galaxy in half a million years going 1/10th the speed of light.
And this is the thing.

An intellectual race of remote origin probably didn't "break out" when we did, but thousands if not millions of years earlier.

I think they've arrived remotely in some way. And initial contact with the earth could've been thousands of years ago. I don't they're here in the flesh but I think it's possible that they've established some kind of outpost/extension remotely that is producing and sending probes, some of which may have been recovered.

I also think it's highly possible that (non government or military) people are building their own craft and experimenting and they're just not stepping forward or announcing what they're doing. Like there were those floating metallic orb sightings at one point that were actually traced back to someone's data-collecting science project that physically matched what they were seeing from above.

I also think that lights in the night could be just that - lights. Aren't people now doing light shows with drones? Drones can float in one place for a period of time and then siddenly move very quickly. Mine can absolutely take off, and it's an entry level model.

Given the parallax illusion, if a light emitting drone was closer to the person observing them than they suspected, then it would appear to move much fast than if they were actually far up at aircraft height.

Explanations like that are why I lend way more credence to daytime sightings from qualified people like pilots.
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