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Old 07-28-2023, 02:28 PM   #1
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Default Secret Invasion - Spoilers

Now that the series is wrapped figured it'd be good to have an open spoiler discussion. Spoilers below.

Originally Posted by blankall View Post
Yeah. Looking back on the 1st episode it know seems weird that they would:


for a series with no real consequences and nothing really happened. Feels a bit to me like when they just took out Klaw for no reason. Although maybe Klaw is coming back for Secret Wars somehow?

When first reading this I was like "Klaw was in this?" and was very confused.

Yeah so things felt very weird in this series. Like I said in the other thread, it seemed afraid of being too high stakes with characters, knowing it's not a big tentpole feature film release. But the material requires high stakes in order to sell the premise. Would have been much more interesting in major characters had been Skrulls for literally all of their time in the MCU, but they could play at that level.

Weird budget constraints made this feel super odd sometimes. The President is attacked and he's in a room with one other guard and a doctor? A lot of the same sets. Most of the money seemed to be spent on the cast and the Skull transitions (which did look great).

Does anyone else thing Ben Mendelshon has an Elmer Fudd type drawl sometimes? He's an alien so I buy him being a little weird, but overall Talos was pretty wasted.

Confirmed: Extremis heals all wounds except through the chest.

So now G'iah is also Captain Marvel++?

I was impressed by Kingsley Ben-Adir's cajones shouting in Sam Jackson's face and grabbing his head. Good on ya.

I liked G'iah and Varra protecting the house, that was a fun little action scene. I liked most scenes with Jackson and Varra. Coleman was a stand out when she showed up. I thought they did a great job of sort of making you forget about her and then OH there she is. I liked the sort of blending with the "Lizard people" conspiracy a bit, I'm not sure if that whole thing pre-dates Skrull publication or not, but it's kind of a funny connection I think they could have played up a little bit more maybe with a conspiracy theorist element somewhere. And again, would have held better if the people who were Skrulls weren't just imprisoned somewhere but had actually been Skrulls for like 30 years. Probably could have been built up as a bigger mainline Avengers story, so it feels a little flat on this format, like most of these shows have really.

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