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Old 07-17-2023, 04:13 PM   #67
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jan 2011

I took over the Avalanche just over a year ago. I did not participate in this last year as I did not have much of a prospect pool and trying to find 10 guys that I even knew who they were was difficult.

1 year later and the list is very impressive. Helps to get lucky twice in the lottery though.

21 and under:

1. Bedard
2. Wright
3, Yurov
4. Lambos
5. Harding
6. Lamoureux
7. Ottavainen
8. Rinzel
9. Stillman
10. Bjarnson

Hopefully I have more than 1 superstar forward at the top and I'm really excited about the depth at defense. Apparently, I like huge dmen too!

2 first and 3 2nds in 24 this list could even be better next year. Just need to fix the roster now.
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