Thread: Bye Bye Reddit
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Old 06-12-2023, 08:20 AM   #21
1991 Canadian
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Jul 2013

Reddit is a business. They need to make money. If api users are getting less ads, this is a move Reddit has to make.

We are in a downward monetization over user experience slide in the internet right now. We have been for while, but I’m not getting the same “wow, I can now stream HD videos” type tech improvements to offset the negative changes.

Sites like Reddit are getting worse. Outside of Calgarypuck, every site I go to is objectively worse than it was 5 10 years ago.

The problem now is these sites are monopolies in their niche. But there is no real reason to regulate or do anything about it. So what that reddit is forcing users onto their crappy app to see more ads? Reddit isn’t critical infrastructure or a daily necessity. But it is so big that is basically functions are a monopoly. Same Twitter. Same with Facebook. Same with with YouTube.

I don’t know what the solution is, it’s just frustrating knowing that the golden era of the internet is behind us.
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